Sunday, September 27, 2009

Getting ready for the harvest and resting after the festa

Yesterday we received the laboratory results for the sugar, acidity and pH levels in the grapes and it looks like everything is good. PJ talked to his friend Jan from Pian dell Orino and he advised to wait until Wed. to allow the acidity to drop a little bit and to obtain a little bit more sugar. The equipment is all ready and in place, now it is just waiting.
Today is a lazy day; everyone slept in after being out at a festa in Buonconvento last night. Each neighborhood in the town makes different food and hosts an outside dinner with 4 courses and all the wine one can drink. Our host Guido (PJ and Kalyna's builder for the cellar) supplied the entertainment with a seemingly endless stream of Italian drinking songs. Everyone's favorite involved Guido calling out a month (Marzo, Settembre etc) and if you were born in the month that was called you had to drain your glass of wine to chants of "Bevilo, Bevilo, Bevilo... Aqua fa male, vino fa canta' ". Needless to say we had a good time, and no hangovers today, thanks to Italian vino.

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